Introduction to Mountain Navigation

people navHello and welcome to our pages on Mountain Navigation.


This site is not meant to be a definitive guide that covers everything (though we will add to it over time). For good books on navigation go to our further reading pages. We wanted a resource that people who come on our Mountain Navigation courses could refer back to so that we can keep you updated with the latest trends and advice on kit. It should also act as a refresher to revise what you have learnt before going away to the hills.


Of course, we also expect that it will be useful to people who haven't been on one of our mountain navigation courses. We believe that mountain navigation is about much more than just map reading so please do take a look around and see what you can learn. We'd also like to encourage you to put your point of view across in the comments sections of the pages, especially in the Equipment and further reading section. We will only be posting about equipment and books of which we have first hand and exhaustive knowledge. This means that there are probably many things that we will not cover that maybe deserve it, so comment away. If you would like to recommend a bit of kit that you use and rate then write something in the comments and we'll turn it into an article on the main site.



Lupine Adventure

This site is brought to you by Lupine Adventure


We are a workers Co-operative of outdoor education professionals based in the north of England and North Wales. Visit our website for more infomation about us.