The Compass

Silva Expedition 4


silva4It is no exageration to say that over 90% of Mountain Leaders will recommend this compass. It isn't the top of the range by any stretch of the imagination but if you are serious about navigating accurately, quickly and easially then this is the compass you should be getting. It generally sells for about £25 - £30 and so there are cheaper ones but these are the reasons why you should get this one.


  • Oil Filled (the Compass floats and isn't as likely to get stuck at an angle).
  • Long base plate (so when you take your bearings you can generally link up the two points rather than guessing).
  • Three Romer scales for popular map scales (1:50000, 1:40000 and 1:25000).
  • Magnifying glass for making the map clearer.
  • Line Down the left side of the base plate for taking more accurate bearings, rather than using the edge of the compass.


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